When: Wednesdays @ 7 pm

Ages: 7th-12th grade 

We know students are at very different places in their lives and need consistency in their faith walks. We hope to help them not only discover who they are in Christ but to fully thrive in Him! The Youth Department emphasizes specific events such as camps, conferences, and mission trips. Relationships are also a priority - growing and building upon existing, as well as developing new ones. Our goal is to take students to a depth that hasn’t been revealed to them in their spiritual journey and help them find HIM. Finally, our student ministries emphasize serving - to be the hands and the feet of Jesus - and to use the gifts God has given them to further His Kingdom.


When: Sundays @ 9:30am

Ages: Infant-6th grade

In each service, children are warmly welcomed into an environment where they will experience the comfort of Jesus’ love and be taught biblical truths through a fun engaging service - with specific classes available for various ages! To accomplish the vision, our children’s ministries focus on providing events such as camp, a summer outreach, and family events throughout the year. There are also several serving opportunities for the kids through quarterly missions! We put a large emphasis on relationships; with the families within our communities and with the Lord.


When: First Tuesday of every month @ 7 pm at Family Worship Center
Who: grow group for career-age young adults (18 - 30)

A group of individuals joining together in community to do life together. Whether it’s digging into a study, working together to do life through outreach, or just hanging out and having some good fun and competition on a game night, we would love to have you join us.

If you’re interested or have questions contact Pam or Janelle @ 605.886.2510.


The Prophets to the Southern Kingdom
by Dr. Chuck Missler

When: Starts Monday, May 6th @ 6pm at the church
Who: Everyone is welcome

Join this group for a13-week study on the books of Joel, Micah, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk. See what these books have to say to us today. Study materials are $12.

Contact Karen Johnson @ 605.237.6278 for more details.

Let’s Read & Journal

When: Thursdays @ 8:30 am  
Who: Grow Group for young moms & single ladies too.
Where: Breakout

Nothing compares to diving into the Word of God and then listening to what He is saying. Join us on a journey of journaling using the S.O.A.P. method.

  • S - Scripture

  • O - Observation

  • A - Application

  • P - Prayer

All you need is a Bible and a notebook. Hope to see you there!

Contact us @ 605.886.2510 for more details.

When: Thursdays @ 10:00 am at the church.
Begins Thursday, January 11th
Who: Women’s grow group 

Rabbi Jason shares wisdom from his Jewish heritage and helps us read Scripture in the cultural context of biblical times. Kathi Lee adds personal stories and reflections from her spiritual journey
and studies, serving as a companion as you go deeper in your relationship with God.

Journey into God’s word, from the creation of the world through the desert and empty places, the Hebrew nation, meet Jesus, the disciples, and His followers. As you do, you will see how you are part of God’s epic story of redemption.

The God of the Way
by Kathi Lee Gifford & Rabbi Jason Sobel


When: Fridays @ 6:30am at Perkins
Who: Guys of any age and any season of life. 

Join this group of guys in a weekly conversation that is centered on the Word of God and spans all of life. It’s not a book study, it’s an adventure of growing in relationship with God and with one another.

The only requirement for this group is you have to be an early riser! It’s worth it - don’t miss it!

Sunday Evening Study

When: Sunday Evenings / Bi-weekly
Who: Couples / Young, seasoned or somewhere in between

We are all relational by design and yet sometimes it seems a struggle to get connected with others. If that’s you - look no further! Join this group for a Book Study that will help you grow deeper in relationship with God and with one another.

Contact the church office @ 605.886.2510 and we’ll help you get connected with this group and growing relationally - with God and with others.