When: Wednesdays @ 7 pm
Ages: 7th-12th grade
We know students are at very different places in their lives and need consistency in their faith walks. We hope to help them not only discover who they are in Christ but to fully thrive in Him! The Youth Department emphasizes specific events such as camps, conferences, and mission trips. Relationships are also a priority - growing and building upon existing, as well as developing new ones. Our goal is to take students to a depth that hasn’t been revealed to them in their spiritual journey and help them find HIM. Finally, our student ministries emphasize serving - to be the hands and the feet of Jesus - and to use the gifts God has given them to further His Kingdom.
For more information email Janelle: janelle@fwcsd.com
Check out our youth account on instagram for updates and more: @fwcstudentministries
When: Sundays @ 9:30am
Ages: Infant-6th grade
In each service, children are warmly welcomed into an environment where they will experience the comfort of Jesus’ love and be taught biblical truths through a fun engaging service - with specific classes available for various ages! To accomplish the vision, our children’s ministries focus on providing events such as camp, a summer outreach, and family events throughout the year. There are also several serving opportunities for the kids through quarterly missions! We put a large emphasis on relationships; with the families within our communities and with the Lord.
For more information email Faith: faith@fwcsd.com
Check out our children’s account on instagram
for updates and more: @fwcchildrensministry
It’s NEW!
It’s just for KIDS!
Check out KIDS CLUB …
Every Wednesday @ 7pm!
Come hang out with us, have some fun and GROW in your faith!!
When: First Tuesday of every month @ 7 pm at Breakout
Who: grow group for career-age young adults (18 - 30)
A group of individuals joining together in community to do life together. Whether it’s digging into a study, working together to do life through outreach, or just hanging out and having some good fun and competition on a game night, we would love to have you join us.
If you’re interested or have questions email Pam: pammmers@fwcsd.com
Check out our young adults instagram account for updates and more: @edge.watertown